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Coding Station

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the point of two factor authentication?

Two factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection from hackers attempting to login to your accounts. If you have two factor authentication, even if a hacker gains your password somehow, they won't be able to access your account without permission from the designated device. 


For example, if you designate your mobile phone to receive a confirmation code before logging in on facebook on a new device, a hacker wouldn't be able to login to your facebook account by simply entering your username and password. The hacker would also need to use your mobile phone to allow his or her device access. 

What if I do reuse passwords?

First of all, if the reason that you reuse passwords is because it is difficult to remember multiple different passwords for different sites, you can try using a password manager. LastPass and Keychain Access are two good ways to store passwords. You will only need to remember the password to open the app and then you will have all the other passwords saved for you.


If you insist on reusing the same passwords, I suggest using  different passwords for personal use and school use. That way, any threat that you may be exposed to using one of the passwords wouldn't automatically compromise the other. 

Examples of strong vs weak passwords:

Strong passwords are long, do not contain any from of name, and do not use sequential numbers.
















How can people visiting the school website contact the school without compromising administrators' emails?

An easy way to avoid compromising an administrator's or faculty member's email while still allowing people to contact them is to set up an email exclusively for the purpose of contact from the school website. This email should be used for any other personal or school related purposes. 


Another way to avoid this issue is to use a "contact us" feature that does not reveal the email address. This allows the visitor to send the school a message to a set address without the school providing an email. 


For example, the "Contact Me" at the bottom of this page allows you to send me a message without me compromising my email address. I can then choose whether to respond to you with my personal email or not.

What can I use instead of my school email to sign up for things that will give me spam mail?

You can use your personal email and then unsubscribe from the mailing list of the organization emailing you. This is usually done by clicking the small "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of the email.


If you do not want to use your personal email or if you do not want to have to unsubscribe from the mailing list, you can set up another email account specifically designated for signing up for sites that might send you many unwanted emails. Do not use this email for anything else if you do so.

Why should I update my software?

When a program has a security breach, a group of people figure out how it happened and how they can prevent it from happening again. They then update their program to be able to fend off another similar cyber attack. updating your software frequently helps ensure that your device has the updated protection. Not updating your software could leave you vulnerable to a known cyber attack.

Passwords on zoom rooms are so annoying, do I really need to use them?

As long as the actual Zoom code or link is kept private, the password is more of an extra precaution. Using a password could help prevent unwanted guests from joining the meeting. Changing the password often, like every 1-2 weeks, makes it more difficult for a hacker to obtain a viable password. 

Examples of suspicious emails

General Rule: Call back to make sure the claim is legitimate. Never rush to give out information. You can always afford to spend a few extra minutes confirming the claim.​


  • We are updating our files and need your social security number... (do not give away sensitive info)

  • Please confirm you credit card number... (do not give away sensitive info)

  • We need you to reset you account password, click here (do not click on suspicious links)

  • Sign in to your Wells Fargo checking account here (find the spelling error in the link)

  • We have detected a virus on your device. Download this virus blocker to protect your information. (duo not download unexpected attachments)

Who do I report to if I think I have been hacked?

First, do not panic!


Contact your school IT department immediately.


You should also alert the local police. Even if the cyber attack seems minor, your report might help the police prevent the hackers from committing a worse crime and stop them from taking advantage of other people.

If I follow everything on this site, will I be totally secure?

Unfortunately not. The advice on this site is meant to help prevent cyber attacks, but it does not guarantee that they can't still happen. Taking these precautions is like adding locks to your house. It doesn't make it impossible for someone to break in. It just makes it much more difficult.

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